When it’s your first time to an RV park, it may feel exciting and daunting at the same time. As you explore this uncharted territory, you’ll want to learn the RV park etiquette and follow these tips for a great trip.
Plan your trip ahead of time
While spontaneous last-minute camping might sound like a blast, it can also be a headache. To avoid losing out on your preferred campground, get a reservation in advance or do some digging to find out when the campground is least likely to be full.
Get acquainted with your RV
Before you pull out of your driveway, practice working the systems of the RV. Also, practice driving the RV and parking it while backing into a spot. These are useful skills that you’ll want to master before you leave.
Create lists for packing, arriving, and leaving the campsite
While a checklist might seem unnecessary if you don’t have a lot of gear, it’ll save you the heartache of realizing that you forgot a key item. Create a list of items you’ll need for packing, arriving, and leaving the campsite. Don’t be afraid to check it twice before you leave — it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Get ready to arrive
Depending on the campsite, you’ll either have to register your site with an office, fill out a self-reservation, or pick an open site. It’s best to figure this out before heading to a park to avoid trying to book a full campsite and search for a free one in the dark. Familiarize yourself with landmarks around your site, as well.
Also, get to the campground before nighttime so you won’t blind your neighbors with headlights.
Brush up on the “unwritten rules” of camping
While campers tend to be a pretty welcoming bunch, and most folks are just trying to have a good time, learn the campground etiquette before setting foot there.
Avoid partying late into the night, playing music, and telling ghost stories around the fire past a decent hour. Most campgrounds have quiet hours for a reason. Know your campsite’s quiet hours; even if there isn’t a formal rule against hollering all night long, be mindful of your fellow campers. You don’t want to face an angry hoard of sleepless campers in the morning!
Don’t wander through other people’s campsites to get to your own site or another facility. Tidy up after pets and kids, and make sure that canine friends are especially leashed while out. Also, make sure that your pets and kids are not disrupting or disrespecting others with their actions.
Have a good time
While it’s easy to get caught up in the things you could have, would have, or should have done, camping is all about having fun and embracing the uncomfortable. Even if you leave a flashlight behind or get lost on the way there, it’s about the journey, not performing camping perfectly.